
Hi I’m Fairy

Age: 6
Sex: Female
Class: 1

Activities & Interest:

She loves to draw cartoon character and she is brilliant in studies and loves all her fellow friends.


She wants to be a pilot because she wants to travel in an airplane. She said “when I was grown so I will take you all in my plane and we will visit all around the world”

Biography & Background

Fairy is the older sister of Aroon. Their background is very poor. his father was a farmer and he once was driving a vegetable truck on his way to the market and was hit by another truck in an accident. 4 people died. His mother is a maid and works in a Muslim’s house all day and night. But she comes every month to meet her kids and they have no one in their life who cares and loves them. But I give a million thanks to Jesus for he uses us for this family and he is trying to give them happiness and proper education with love.